That might result in great financial hardship for one person or household is a restrictive relative clause . the verbal phrase result in means “ cause ; have as a result ” 译文:这样,就可以有许多人共同分担一人或一户由于遭受损失所造成的巨大经济困难。
The present study takes on one particular linguistic structure in the chinese language , viz . , restrictive relative clauses , and investigates , from a cognitive - functional perspective , the occurrence and distribution of varying relative clause constructions in discourse 摘要本文从认知角度出发,调查现代汉语定语从句在口语和书面语篇章处理中的分布情况,研究造成这些分布的潜在因素,探讨并试图揭示此类从句的句法结构及它们在汉语篇章中的具体表现形式。